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About Holy Trinity Church

Who are the people of Holy Trinity Church?

Our Mission Statement:

Under constraint of the Gospel, guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity is to bear witness to the crucified and risen Christ as his disciples.

What We Believe:

At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, God makes us who we are. God loves all of creation. God loves all people. God loves us. God loves you.

What does it mean to be Lutheran?  A good place to start is to read Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.

At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Christ has called us to ministry in this place.  Our first baptisms were performed in 1730, making our church older than America itself.  Through the centuries, no matter the conflict or strife, we have found solace, hope and peace by practicing our faith in the Crucified and Risen Lord.

Tour Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

The Apostles’ Creed

We have been made God’s people through our Baptism into Christ.  Living
together in trust and hope, we confess our faith:
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the
Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the
right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of
saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life
everlasting. Amen.

To learn more about Lutheran Theology read The Augsburg Confession.

What We Do:

At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, our tradition is to be committed to the community. This commitment inspires the work we do. We are passionate about breaking barriers and helping people like you make real, life-changing connections.

To learn more about our ministries and how to get involved, check out the ways Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Serves.

At Holy Trinity we believe we can create change in the place we live, by sharing our talents, generosity, and time.

At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, we see each day as a chance to bridge communication gaps and build relationships with the people in our community. Every day holds the potential to touch lives.

To see more of what we do, take a look at our photos here.



Holy Trinity hosts the annual MLK Scholarship Awards program in our Sanctuary.

For 2024, nearly $300,000 in scholarship money was awarded to 50 McCaskey High School seniors.   Giving them a financial boost for their ongoing education.



Read about the storied history of our Church, our windows and the artists responsible for them.

Learn about the history of Holy Trinity Church

Staff of Holy Trinity Church

Learn about the staff that continue to steward our mission forward.

Learn about our staff

Steeple and Maintenance

Learn about the deep history of our church.

Learn about our church

Make a Gift to Support Our Mission

At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, we believe and teach that all we have is a Gift from God. As good stewards of these gifts, we share as we are able with sacrifice and gratitude.Through our generosity we can express our Love, Faith and Thanksgiving. As the Psalmist writes: “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” (Psalms 24.1)

Consider Giving Here

Family News

More Fun at Holy Trinity

Saturday, October 26, Holy Trinity hosted the 3rd annual Reformation Day Candy Festival (a.k.a. the community Trick or Treat). All in all the event went well with 60-ish Trick or Treaters coming through the Parish House playing games, making crafts, and getting lots of candy!

Bonfire at the Petka’s

Beth and Chuck Petka graciously hosted another fall bonfire party at their home. The talented Susan Doyle shows us her "best of show" pumpkin.

God’s Work Our Hands

The School year for children and youth kicked off September 8th with God's Work, Our Hands Sunday. Many hands were busy expanding our Hunger Planters; offering God's love to our neighbors by giving them free healthy produce anyone can pick and eat at anytime!

Upcoming Events

November 3, 2024

Adult Forum – All Saints Day, history and tradition

It's a tradition annually in worship. Part of the what/how and why from Music and Worship Small Group with Loren Good

November 3, 2024

Faith Talk in the library and via zoom after worship

The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 10

November 10, 2024

Adult Forum with the Lancaster Conservancy

Fritz Schroeder – President and CEO Lancaster Conservancy will present on the work and mission of this fine organization.

November 10, 2024

Faith Talk in the library and via zoom following worship

The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 11

November 10, 2024

November “Open Choir” Sundays for those who love to sing

For three consecutive Sundays beginning November 10th you have an opportunity to sing a little something special without committing to a regimen of weekly rehearsals. Just come to the sanctuary at 8:45am, gather around the piano in the front, and we'll put together a simple and lovely selection to sing during the offering in worship. No previous experience required, just enthusiasm and bring your voice.

November 17, 2024

Adult Forum – Discipleship lay leaders

A presentation from the Discipleship Small Group. What they have been doing this year and plans going forward.

November 24, 2024

Servant Stage Christmas Crooners

Holy Trinity will once again host Servant Stage. Join us and be enchanted by a heartwarming and nostalgic revue show that will transport you to the golden age of holiday classics. From timeless renditions of beloved carols to modern twists on traditional favorites, Christmas Crooners promises an unforgettable journey through the joys and wonders of the holiday season. Sunday, November 24th at 1:00pm.

December 1, 2024

Adult Forum – Wreaths and Ornaments

During the forum hour we will enjoy a Christmas Cookie "brunch" make wreaths and also ornaments and well wishes for Trinity's home bound disciples.

December 8, 2024

Adult Forum – Advent…since when

Why and it started with......another presentation from Worship and Music Small Group

December 15, 2024

Children’s Christmas Program

Holy Trinity will be entertained during the Adult Education Hour with the annual Christmas Program let by Director of Children and Family Ministry, Rachel Kramer and Organist/Choirmaster, Chris Prestia. The event begins after worship December 15th.