Join Us This Sunday

When Worshiping with Us

What’s it like?

The Service

Sunday morning worship at Holy Trinity Church is traditional. Music is led by organ and piano, choir members, and instrumental ensembles such as brass and strings. The ministers wear traditional vestments (clergy robes) in the service. 

While the physical space of the sanctuary may appear formal with the colonial architecture, stained glass and pews with doors…you will feel welcome here.  There are times for congregational participation through singing of hymns and songs, as well as other spoken parts.  The printed program you receive when entering will guide you through the service. There will also be times for silent reflection as well.


Who will I meet first?

When you first enter the church, you will be greeted both by other worshippers and by ushers. Greeters will welcome you and ushers will  walk with you to a seat, help with the latch on the pew and provide you with a program for the service.



What about the seats/pews?

One of the first things you will notice when going to your seat, is that there are doors on the ends of each row of seats. We call the seats pews. These doors date back to a time when there was no central heating in our building. Those coming to worship would warm a brick in their fireplace at home and bring the brick with them to worship. They would place the warmed brick at their feet. The doors are in place to keep the heat from escaping. On the inside of each door is a small latch. The latch will need to be turned in order for the door to open. We have also discovered that seats with doors are welcomed by families with toddlers. .


May I take communion?

Yes. Any person that is baptized–no matter the denomination or tradition–is welcome to receive Holy Communion during worship. 


How should I dress?

We encourage everyone to be comfortable and to wear what they want to worship.  You’ll see a variety from suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts, even shorts and flip flops in the summer.  

Directions & Parking

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Make a Gift to Support Our Mission

At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, we believe and teach that all we have is a Gift from God. As good stewards of these gifts, we share as we are able with sacrifice and gratitude.Through our generosity we can express our Love, Faith and Thanksgiving. As the Psalmist writes: “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” (Psalms 24.1)

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Family News

First Sunday in Advent Candle Lighting

The Heisey Family led the reading and lighting of the first candle Sunday, December 1st

More Fun at Holy Trinity

Saturday, October 26, Holy Trinity hosted the 3rd annual Reformation Day Candy Festival (a.k.a. the community Trick or Treat). All in all the event went well with 60-ish Trick or Treaters coming through the Parish House playing games, making crafts, and getting lots of candy!

Bonfire at the Petka’s

Beth and Chuck Petka graciously hosted another fall bonfire party at their home. The talented Susan Doyle shows us her "best of show" pumpkin.

Upcoming Events

December 5, 2024

Weekday Advent Worship Opportunity

You're invited to take part in Holy Trinity's Advent series December 5, 12, and 19. We'll begin with a light meal at 6:00 p.m. followed by worship in the chapel at 7:00 p.m. The theme for our Advent services is Faith, Hope, and Love. Please let us know if you plan to attend so we have the proper amount of food prepared.

December 8, 2024

Adult Forum – Advent…since when

Why and it started with......another presentation from Worship and Music Small Group

December 8, 2024

Faith Talk after worship in the library and via zoom

The series begins on Advent continues, Jesus teaches the Bible to the disciples on the Road to Emmaus Lesson 2 The Book of Psalms

December 15, 2024

Children’s Christmas Program

Holy Trinity will be entertained during the Adult Education Hour with the annual Christmas Program let by Director of Children and Family Ministry, Rachel Kramer and Organist/Choirmaster, Chris Prestia. The event begins after worship December 15th.

December 15, 2024

Faith Talk following worship in the library and via zoom

No Faith Talk class today, we will enjoy the children's Christmas Program

December 22, 2024

Adult Forum – Christmas Sing Along

We did it in July, you loved it, and we're doing it again. Bring your voice and join us in Fondersmith following worship. Organist and Choirmaster Chris Prestia will play piano(and maybe something else) as we sing along to lyrics that will be scrolling across the screen. Yep, it'll be all things Christmas/Holiday in song and celebration.

December 22, 2024

Faith Talk following worship in the library and via zoom

Advent continues as Jesus teaches the Bible to the disciples on the Road to Emmaus. Lesson 3 – The Prophets

December 24, 2024

Holy Trinity Lutheran Christmas Eve Service

Holy Trinity will host a meaningful Christmas Eve Service. Music will begin at 6:30pm with the celebration and liturgy beginning at 7:00pm. Music will feature the Holy Trinity choir along with strings and brass.

December 25, 2024

Christmas Day Service

Holy Trinity will provide a Christmas Day service beginning at 9:30am in the Chapel located in the Fisher Parish House.

December 29, 2024

Faith Talk after worship in the library and via zoom

No class today, we will enjoy the catered brunch following the lessons and carols service.

January 5, 2025

Senior Pastor Joel Installation Service

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will celebrate with an Installation Service for Pastor Joel Petruschke at 3:00pm. We will gather for light refreshments after the service in the Fondersmith Auditorium.